You may have heard that the Tarrant Regional Water District supplies water to more than two million people across 11 counties in North Texas. That’s awesome. But we do more than that. And we try to do it in innovative, sustainable, and passionate ways to get the job done. Take a look.
We manage the lakes our community depends on. We monitor water quality to make sure our drinking water supplies are safe. We plan for future needs and seek the best ways to create a reliable water supply.
We embrace sustainability. We built a water recycling project that uses wetlands to clean water naturally from the Trinity River – and return it back to Richland-Chambers Reservoir so we can use it again. Pretty cool.
We maintain the Trinity Floodway in Fort Worth. And we’re leading flood protection efforts along the Trinity River, adding a new bypass channel to reduce flooding upstream. Keep this project on your radar, because it’s happening.
And we keep expanding the TRWD Trinity Trail System. 100 miles and counting. To give you and your family a place to roam.
If you don’t know who we are yet, stick around. We’re trying to change that. Just know that we’re a group of people that enjoys what we do. We live, work, and play in the same places as you.
Enriching communities. Improving the quality of life. It’s what we do.