Did you know 80% of trash found in waterways traveled from land?
Meet a TRWD drain adopter who is attempting to reduce that 80%, Perry Justin, founder of the Fort Worth-based Tiny Trash Truck Project. The initiative is focused around three trucks or “Tiny Trash Trucks” that Perry hand-built to help collect trash. The idea came about in October 2019 when Perry was picking up trash with a community group and had difficulty holding the bag due to wind.
Ironically, Perry grew up in the family business where they built garbage trucks. Each truck is a customized metal wagon constructed like a mini trash truck. Its compartments have room for up to four bags and items such as grabbers.
His passion and interest on beautifying the Trinity River grew stronger once he noticed a pattern in the types of trash collected. Perry picks up trash at and around his TRWD Adopt-A-Drain in the Fairmount neighborhood in Fort Worth, Texas. This area includes a number of restaurants, bars and shops all which have common offerings – plastic straws and bags. Along with his neighborhood, he also frequents Gateway Park, the Trinity Trails and parts of the Trinity River. Perry noticed the same items found in Fairmount along the trails and river and began to make conscious efforts in regard to trash consumption. He has since become more mindful and commonly has thoughts like “do I really need that plastic bag, that plastic straw?” Perry says we can all do our part in helping keep our lands and waters clean by becoming more mindful with consumption and helping pick up something as small as a bottle.
Perry can be seen picking up trash with the Tiny Trash Truck alone as a way to destress or with local community groups. His dog sidekick, Plogger (define: jogging while picking up litter), can also be seen while on trash runs. Be sure to check out the Tiny Trash Truck on Instagram for an insight on Perry’s initiative.
Take the pledge to help keep the Trinity River clean! There are thousands of drains to adopt in Fort Worth. Customize a plaque and get started today at www.adoptadrainfw.com