Connect to protect our waterways by joining the TRWD Trash Bash Challenge!
Trash Bash Challenge was created to give cleanup volunteers a new-age method of reducing local litter outside of our annual Trash Bash events.
You can start today by simply downloading the mobile phone app Litterati and entering join code JOINTRWD. Then, start looking for litter in your daily life and snap a picture with the Litterati app as you clean it.
The app will allow you to smart-tag your litter photos before uploading them to our database. Crowdsourced litter data helps us learn what kind of litter contaminates our waterways, where it is recurring, and how we can best prevent the problem at the source! Need assistance getting started? Simply contact us at trashbash@trwd.com.
Let’s all work together to make a data-driven difference for our waterways!

To learn how you can register for a Spring or Fall litter clean-up event in your area, visit trwd.com/trashbash