Fall is here, and Texas is cooling off, which can only mean one thing; it’s geocache season in Fort Worth. In honor of Earthcache Day 2018, we are giving you the catalyst to start your very first, or maybe next, geocache adventure.
If you don’t know what geocaching is keep reading and we’ll try to answer all of your questions.
The briefest way to explain the outdoor activity is a high-tech treasure hunt where the treasures are referred to as caches. There are multiple types of geocache, and TRWD’s Trinity Trails Geocaching Adventure is a puzzle.
Ready to get your Nicholas Cage or Indiana Jones on? You will need to solve the clues to get the correct GPS coordinates of the geocache. Once you find the cache, sign the log book, log the answer to the question on your challenge passport and move on to the next mystery. We almost forgot the best part. You can also swap out the trinket inside as long as you are leaving behind something of equal or greater value.
To tie it all together, if you find 25 out of the 30 TRWD geocache locations you can win an additional prize; a TRWD Trinity Trail geocoin. Do we have your attention now?
This adventure is only to get you started, because you won’t be able to stop. There are more than 3,718 geocaches in Fort Worth. The activity expands all across the planet and through various types of geocache, such as earthcache.
If you are still a little hesitant, follow our Instagram page @trinitytrails or TRWD Facebook page on October 16 and 18 to watch short videos and pictures of a local geocacher hunt down the Trinity Trails treasures.
For more information about getting started on your own geocache adventure, visit www.trwdgeocaching.com.