Gardening in North Texas
February 23, 2019 @ 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Do you love gardening ?
Are you a new homeowner? New to North Texas? Do you have a lackluster lawn?
Learn how to grow and maintain a flourishing landscape! Experts, Daniel Cunningham and Patrick Dickinson, from Texas A&M AgriLife will guide you through the in’s and out’s of gardening in North Texas.
Get answers – Meet experts – Be inspired
Several topics will be discussed during the event:
- Soil Testing
- Proper fertilization
- Composting
- Native and Adapted Plants for North Texas
- Basic Design Principal
- Maintenance for a beautiful and healthy landscape
- Selecting the right turf-grass
- Lawn maintenance
- Pre-emergent herbicides
- Problem solving tips
- Recommended vegetable and fruit plant selection
- Resources for maximum food harvest
- The “catch can” test
- The cycle and soak sprinkler method
- Efficient sprinkler nozzles
- Drip irrigation basics
- Rainwater harvesting
Only $5 to reserve a seat!