
Congresswoman Granger & U.S. Army Corps of Engineers release statement regarding TRV Flood Control Project

By October 4, 2018

Congresswoman Kay Granger (TX-12) released the following statement on the Trinity River Vision Flood Control Project:

FORT WORTH, TX – “Today, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers once again strongly affirmed its commitment to the Trinity River Vision Flood Control Project and acknowledged that it is authorized for federal funding in this coming year’s 2019 Energy and Water Development Act. In the October 3, 2018 statement released by Corps, they declare: ‘The Trinity River Vision/Central City project continues to embody the vision of safety for the people of North Texas through the flood risk management and ecosystem improvement missions of the Corps.’

“This statement from the Corps is appreciated as it clarifies any misleading interpretations caused by Wednesday’s McClatchy Fort Worth Star-Telegram article.  The Trinity River Vision flood control project is both strongly supported by the Corps and has received Congressional approval (2016) for matching federal funding ($526 million). Clearly, it is no secret that such funding will be spread over several years to match the progress of the state and local government partners as in the pending completion by TxDOT on the project’s new bridges. Nor is it a secret that as a result of recent Hurricane recovery and relief efforts being stretched thin over the past two years, the current federal budget is step-funding (using incremental appropriation) for its other flood-control and water infrastructure projects.”

USACE committed to Fort Worth flood risk management solutions

Posted 10/3/2018

The Trinity River Vision/Central City project is a joint partnership between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Tarrant Regional Water District.  Other partners include Tarrant County, the City of Fort Worth, Streams and Valleys, Federal Highway Administration, and the Texas Department of Transportation. The Corps components of the overall project include flood risk management and ecosystem improvements.  The project has been honored with numerous awards from the Corps for planning and communications.

The current levee system in Fort Worth was built in response to a devastating flood in 1949 to protect a population of nearly 350,000 people.  Today, that population has grown to nearly 900,000 people and this project will reduce risk from flooding for the people of Fort Worth.


“Our various partnerships within the Trinity River Vision Central City Project are an extension of the Corps’ continued commitment to providing flood risk management solutions for the City of Fort Worth and the surrounding communities,” said Brig. Gen. Paul E. Owen, Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Southwestern Division.

Both the Hon. Mark Esper, Secretary of the Army, and the Hon. R.D. James, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, have recently visited Fort Worth to see first-hand the need for, and benefits of, the project.  Hon. James stated, “This project will greatly benefit this community, the city and all the citizens around here.”

Progress continues with construction of bridge pilings, design of the bypass channel and valley storage sites.  Completed valley storage sites, which already provide Flood Risk Management benefits, include Ham Branch, Riverside Park, Samuels Avenue, and Gateway Oxbow. The project was fully authorized in the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (2016).

The authorized project remains eligible for federal funding and, although it did not receive fiscal year 2018 Civil Works funding, it is being considered for funding provided in the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 2019, recently signed by the President.  To date, approximately $62 million in Federal funding has been invested in the project.

The Trinity River Vision/Central City project continues to embody the vision of safety for the people of North Texas through the flood risk management and ecosystem improvement missions of the Corps.

Lake Current Level Conservation Level* Level Difference**
Arlington 549.92 550.00 -0.08
Benbrook 692.96 694.00 -1.04
Bridgeport 826.92 836.00 -9.08
Cedar Creek 322.03 322.00 0.03
Eagle Mountain 644.39 649.10 -4.71
Lake Worth 591.53 594.00 -2.47
Richland-Chambers 315.03 315.00 0.03
*Conservation Level: The permitted level of water an entity is allowed to hold in a lake. Any amount above the conservation level is used for the temporary storage of flood waters and must be released downstream.
**Difference: Amount above or below conservation level.
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