
2019 Cowtown Great American Cleanup

By March 1, 2019
Trinity Trash Bash | TRWD
Join Keep Fort Worth Beautiful and thousands of volunteers across the city for the 34th annual Cowtown Great American Cleanup, our largest annual litter cleanup and beautification event. Every year, organizations, businesses and individuals pick up litter from parks, streets, creeks and other public areas. In 2018, these hard-working volunteers removed over 140,000 pounds of trash from their communities.
Lake Current Level Conservation Level* Level Difference**
Arlington 549.54 550.00 -0.46
Benbrook 692.93 694.00 -1.07
Bridgeport 826.81 836.00 -9.19
Cedar Creek 321.87 322.00 -0.13
Eagle Mountain 644.23 649.10 -4.87
Lake Worth 591.34 594.00 -2.66
Richland-Chambers 315.01 315.00 0.01
*Conservation Level: The permitted level of water an entity is allowed to hold in a lake. Any amount above the conservation level is used for the temporary storage of flood waters and must be released downstream.
**Difference: Amount above or below conservation level.
For more information read our daily reports or the TRWD Lake Level Blog.

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