Lake Bridgeport Elevation is 836.81 ft-msl (normal conservation pool = 836.00 ft-msl). Discharge is 1258 cfs. Lake Bridgeport is expected to be approximately 836.77 ft-msl by 12AM on 12/6 with…
Lake Bridgeport Elevation is 836.90 ft-msl (normal conservation pool = 836.00 ft-msl). Discharge is 1262 cfs. Lake Bridgeport is expected to be approximately 836.85 ft-msl by 12PM on 12/5 with…
Lake Bridgeport Elevation is 836.90 ft-msl (normal conservation pool = 836.00 ft-msl). Discharge is 1262 cfs. Lake Bridgeport is expected to be approximately 836.85 ft-msl by 12PM on 12/5 with…
Lake Bridgeport Elevation is 836.81 ft-msl (normal conservation pool = 836.00 ft-msl). Discharge is 1258 cfs. Lake Bridgeport is expected to be approximately 836.77 ft-msl by 12AM on 12/6 with…
Lake Bridgeport Elevation is 837.18 ft-msl (normal conservation pool = 836.00 ft-msl). Discharge is 4036 cfs. Lake Bridgeport is expected to be approximately 837.08 ft-msl by 12PM on 12/4 with…
Lake Bridgeport Elevation is 837.18 ft-msl (normal conservation pool = 836.00 ft-msl). Discharge is 4036 cfs. Lake Bridgeport is expected to be approximately 837.08 ft-msl by 12PM on 12/4 with…
?Lake Bridgeport Elevation is 836.99 ft-msl (normal conservation pool = 836.00 ft-msl). Discharge is 1265 cfs. Lake Bridgeport is expected to be approximately 836.94 ft-msl by 12AM on 12/5 with…
?Lake Bridgeport Elevation is 836.99 ft-msl (normal conservation pool = 836.00 ft-msl). Discharge is 1265 cfs. Lake Bridgeport is expected to be approximately 836.94 ft-msl by 12AM on 12/5 with…
Lake Bridgeport Elevation is 837.64 ft-msl (normal conservation pool = 836.00 ft-msl). Discharge is 4085 cfs. Lake Bridgeport is expected to be approximately 837.55 ft-msl by 12PM on 12/3 with…
Lake Bridgeport Elevation is 837.73 ft-msl (normal conservation pool = 836.00 ft-msl). Discharge is 4094 cfs. Lake Bridgeport is expected to be approximately 837.66 ft-msl by 6AM on 12/3 with…
Lake Bridgeport Elevation is 837.64 ft-msl (normal conservation pool = 836.00 ft-msl). Discharge is 4085 cfs. Lake Bridgeport is expected to be approximately 837.55 ft-msl by 12PM on 12/3 with…
Lake Bridgeport Elevation is 837.46 ft-msl (normal conservation pool = 836.00 ft-msl). Discharge is 4067 cfs. Lake Bridgeport is expected to be approximately 837.34 ft-msl by 12AM on 12/4 with…
Lake Bridgeport Elevation is 837.46 ft-msl (normal conservation pool = 836.00 ft-msl). Discharge is 4067 cfs. Lake Bridgeport is expected to be approximately 837.34 ft-msl by 12AM on 12/4 with…
Lake Bridgeport Elevation is 837.73 ft-msl (normal conservation pool = 836.00 ft-msl). Discharge is 4094 cfs. Lake Bridgeport is expected to be approximately 837.66 ft-msl by 6AM on 12/3 with…
Lake Bridgeport Elevation is 837.82 ft-msl (normal conservation pool = 836.00 ft-msl). Discharge is 4105 cfs. Lake Bridgeport is expected to be approximately 837.75 ft-msl by 12AM on 12/3 with…